Vintage Vehicle Restoration
A man built it - a man can restore it..
Veteran, vintage, antique historic and classic motorcycle car truck or tractor restoration, maintenance, servicing and
RustyTrucks is the award-winning* centre of excellence for classic, vintage and antique vehicle restoration based in
the NorthWest of England.
With over 60 combined years of experience on a bewildering array of vehicles large and small RustyTrucks are well placed
to help you with your restoration project. Check the link on the left for further details.
Even if you don't need the services of RustyTrucks right now there is plenty on the website here to amuse all of you
out there who, like us, share a passion for old motors of all kinds.
Call Debbie on 07776239811 Stuart on 07748 601461 or Paul on 07979720466 or click the email link to find out more...
* 2009 Transport Trust Restoration Award for GXO 480 and another in 2019 for the restoration of a 1943
Morris Light Reconnaissance Car

WW2 Standard Light Utility |
Whats New?
This wartime Standard Car Company Light Utility came in for some minor work but needed something
a little more by the way of rectification.......
To find out more click the picture
Rustytrucks can handle restoration of any of these vehicle
Trucks |

Cars |

Motorcycles |

Military |

Fire Engines |

Steam Engines |

4x4 |

Traditional ash framing and sheet metalwork |

Rusty Trucks is restoration service that aims to cater for at least some of the needs of those
of us who think that reinstating a dozen tons of iron, steel, aluminium, rust, rubber, glass and timber (but not very much
plastic) is a good way of whiling away an hour or two as well as ridding ourselves of all that surplus cash that we cannot
think what to do with.
As well as providing details of the services provided, we aim to chronicle the restoration of
my own vehicles as well as giving others the opportunity to contribute. In addition to detailing progress on my own
and other peoples restorations, we will include tips and techniques, links to other sites, and advertisements from those organisations
who can help.
The site is work in progress, we will add to it whenever we can, but don't expect too much too soon
(after all, we have some real-life distractions) but words of encouragement are always welcome, so why not sign the Guest
Book below?