These pages are all about the history, purchase, shipping and restoration of a 1929 Mack AC "Bulldog" dump truck, the
truck that, to a large extent, built the USA. The challenge of restoring something like this, especially when you are
doing so on the other side of the Atlantic, is immense. But it is an incredible truck, and must have been a fine tool
in its day.
Follow the links to find out more!

The Mighty Mack, in originalk and unrestored condition in November 2008 |
Links from this page:
Image Gallery
You will see that not all the photos there are captioned at the moment, but that process is on-going (it takes
quite a while!) In the meantime, if you want to know more about any particular image, then please e-mail me.
Finally, by all means download photos for your own enjoyment, but if you want to use a photo for any other reason,
please ask permission first. Thanks.